an Aotearoa poetry journal | ISSN 2744-3248

Poems by Tim Jones

Ordered by most recent inclusion in Tarot

Balcony (2023)

A wide mouth, a wider smile, a coiffurethat could carpet an island. He’s adouble-breasted miracle to the silver set,a reminder

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The Richter Scale

1: Detectable only by instrumentsFour deep breaths and a cough to order.Richter is a faint arrhythmia, a doctor’smusing on the

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Closer to the river

Kettled. Sunbursts the helicopter haze,picks details from doorways:flak jacket, hunk of hair.We push, are pushed. Fearsweats off in stale adrenalin.Mirrored

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She Fell Away

She fell away from the war,from building Rolls Royce engines, from the bank and its simultaneouswedding basket and farewell. From

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