hā pīwakawaka
kei whea koe ināianei
taku hoa iti?
he manu ki he waha rōreka
he whaikōrero pēnei i he waiata,
te taima katoa
he aha tāu kōrero e hoa?
he aha te tikanga
o tēnei kōwetewete karawhiti?
kāore ahau he mōhio
nō te mea kua nunumi kē koe
ki tētahi atu he wāhi
kāore ahau he kite i tāu whatu kanapa
kāore ahau he rongo i tāu pūrākau roa,
kua ngaro koe ināianei
me kei te ngere ahau i a koe.
hā pīwakawaka
kei whea koe ināianei?
Hey fantail, where are you now, my little friend?
A bird with a dulcet voice; an oratory like a song, all the time.
What is your story, friend? What is the meaning of this one-sided conversation?
I do not know, because you have already disappeared to another place.
I cannot see your glistening eyes. I cannot hear your long tale.
You are lost now, and I am missing you.
Hey fantail, where are you now?