an Aotearoa poetry journal | ISSN 2744-3248

All Editions

Tarot #07
Tarot #06
Tarot #05
Tarot #04
Tarot #03
Tarot #02
Tarot #01

The Town the Grey

Was it our unhappiness,
spilling from the house
that darkened the whole town?

Our heads were seemingly disowned,
fallen down off our bodies
as much as they can,
eyes staring at the ground.

The town was not pliant,
and we were not a fit:
feeling that we were shoved there
recklessly, wreckingly.
Most broken were our hearts.

Long time later,
out of the town,
where the birds sang
and the people danced,
our picture of that town
remained grey.
            Despite now the coloured walls.
            Despite the shining sun.