an Aotearoa poetry journal | ISSN 2744-3248

All Editions

Tarot #07
Tarot #06
Tarot #05
Tarot #04
Tarot #03
Tarot #02
Tarot #01

Touch Grass

Take off your shoes
Let your socks get soaked through
with condensation
Take off your socks
Let soft, slippery blades
slide between your toes
Take off your hat
Replace it with a crown of daisies
Take off your glasses
Find faces in the clouds
Take off your shirt
Rolly polly down a hill
Take off your pants
Use leaves as a loincloth

Take off your skin
Sprout cellophane wings
Follow a bee home to its hive
Sneak in through the back
Dance to show the workers
where you’ve been
Live a full life in a matter of weeks
Make love to flowers
Produce life giving goo
Start the cycle all over again