I’ve made peace with your dog
am besties with your cat
and do battle with your buttercup stems
elbowing under the palings.
I might’ve queued behind you
at a liquor store; your Monday
morning yellow bin clink torrent
isn’t all organic apple cider vinegar
and toasted sesame oil empties.
Adjacent strangers, scored:
nil-1 Your washing is always out first.
nil-2 Our trees block your line, and your indoor light.
1-2 You decapitated every mature tree on your side when you moved in.
2-2 I hear your outdoor can crusher go and go and go.
2-3 Through the fence cracks I see a nice garden.
3-3 We never drift weekend weed wafts across your lawn.
3-4 You hear our kids argue, yell and whine on repeat.
4-4 Our teens never dry retch on Sunday afternoon grass.
4-5 Our 7am garage podcasts are louder than our treadmill.
5-5 You have a bandsaw.